• mrpet
    MrPET è l'innovativo sistema di reverse vending che premia l’impegno dei cittadini nel processo di raccolta differenziata
  • cartona
    Il cartone riciclato è una materia prima di qualità, ideale per produrre, attraverso un processo industriale o artigianale oggetti di design e di comunicazione dalle forme piacevoli e a basso impatto ambientale.
  • keohabitat
    KeoHabitat® è un innovativo servizio di consulenza e ingegnerizzazione tecnologica per l'edilizia, in grado di coniugare qualità, benessere, risparmio e sicurezza
  • keobox
    KeoBox è una borsa comoda e robusta che può trasportare fino a 12 chili di peso. É prodotta industrialmente a partire da cartone riciclato
  • lesediedeltorchio
    barrique inutilizzate recuperate le cui doghe diventano la base di una linea di oggetti: sedie, tavoli, sgabelli e poltrone, cofanetti porta-vino...
  • Modulo in Swahili
    Modulo in Swahili è una comoda poltrona facilmente trasformabile in chaise-longue (e viceversa), eventualmente rivestibile in tessuto
  • ekologic shoptoshop
    eko-logic® Shop to Shop è la linea di cestini, carrelli e trolley realizzata in KEOREX®, materiale ottenuto dal riciclo della plastica PET delle bottiglie
Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)
The winners of the ReAcademy Award have been announced
Tuesday, 12 April 2011 11:21

The winners of the ReAcademy Award have been announced on 12 june 2011 in Torino, during the final event of the "Ri.Nuovi: the second life of things" project organized by the Manamanà association (photos by Cosimo Maffione). The ReAcademy Award offers an internship for the construction of a prototype that has a good chance of being industrialized. The competition was aimed at developing the use of discarded objects in craft production. In order to transform the design idea into an operational project, ReAcademy provides its expertise and relationships.

Manamana Ri.Nuovi5



The Cartona chairs for the guests of the Movicentro project
Monday, 11 April 2011 14:51

The Movicentro project is designed by the Artz association in collaboration with the municipality of Bra. On saturday, from march to may 2011, the town of Bra is full of encounters with emerging and well known personalities whose work reflects innovation, creativity and technology (such as: Giuseppe Culicchia, the Baustelle, etc.). Some Cartona chairs, provided by Greencommerce.it, welcome the hosts.



LESEDIEDELTORCHIO featured in the Russian magazine Gastronome
Monday, 11 April 2011 11:47

Gastronome is a Russian magazine devoted to the world of food. An article about the LESEDIEDELTORCHIO project (available here) is published in the april 2011 issue.




LESEDIEDELTORCHIO (and KeoVelvet) at the Fuorisalone del mobile 2011
Monday, 11 April 2011 10:07

Collaboration between Onfuton and LESEDIEDELTORCHIO continues at the Fuorisalone del Mobile 2011 (Milano, 12-17 april). “From the barrel to the glass” tasting will take place on 17 april at 18:00 in via Crema 14 (where Onfuton is based). Visitors will be given the chance to taste fine wines comfortably seated on the chairs made with the staves of the barrels. Moreover, Onfuton mentions KeoVelvet in its own blog. KeoVelvet is the elegant velvet by Keo made of 100% recycled PET from bottles; it perfectly fits into the fabric parts of LESEDIEDELTORCHIO pieces. Finally, the “Milano futuro” guide by the “Itinerari e luoghi” magazine publishes a file about Onfuton, accompanying it with some images of LESEDIEDELTORCHIO (the file is available here).

mi mi1



The results of KeoHabitat®
Tuesday, 05 April 2011 13:02

This is an example of the results of the application of the KeoHabitat® system. It is a renovation and energy efficiency upgrading of a building with a conventional structure. Energy class B+ has been reached with envelope improvements only.




The PET recovery and transformation chain published on Piemonte-Magazine.it
Tuesday, 05 April 2011 09:50

The april issue of the Piemonte-Magazine magazine describes the PET recovery and transformation chain designed by Keo Srl in an article by Sabrina Roglio. In the article “Make money from waste - The long life of a bottle” the journalist interviews Marco Torchio, president of Keo, and Cristian Campagnaro, architect and professor at the Politecnico of Torino. She presents both the MrPET project, which is the system of rewarded separate collection of PET bottles, and the eko-logic Shop to Shop® project, which is the line of baskets and trolleys for supermarkets made of 100% recycled PET. The article is available here.




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