• keobox
    KeoBox è una borsa comoda e robusta che può trasportare fino a 12 chili di peso. É prodotta industrialmente a partire da cartone riciclato
  • ekologic shoptoshop
    eko-logic® Shop to Shop è la linea di cestini, carrelli e trolley realizzata in KEOREX®, materiale ottenuto dal riciclo della plastica PET delle bottiglie
  • mrpet
    MrPET è l'innovativo sistema di reverse vending che premia l’impegno dei cittadini nel processo di raccolta differenziata
  • keohabitat
    KeoHabitat® è un innovativo servizio di consulenza e ingegnerizzazione tecnologica per l'edilizia, in grado di coniugare qualità, benessere, risparmio e sicurezza
  • Modulo in Swahili
    Modulo in Swahili è una comoda poltrona facilmente trasformabile in chaise-longue (e viceversa), eventualmente rivestibile in tessuto
  • cartona
    Il cartone riciclato è una materia prima di qualità, ideale per produrre, attraverso un processo industriale o artigianale oggetti di design e di comunicazione dalle forme piacevoli e a basso impatto ambientale.
  • lesediedeltorchio
    barrique inutilizzate recuperate le cui doghe diventano la base di una linea di oggetti: sedie, tavoli, sgabelli e poltrone, cofanetti porta-vino...
Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)
Keo at the Collisioni festival
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 15:00

As in 2010, Keo designs the set ups of Collisioni (Novello CN, 27-29 may 2011) in collaboration with the architect Alessandra Morra (here is a video). These are ecological set ups since they are derived from waste materials, which are processed with imagination and craftiness in order to create new value. The whole village will be involved, because the different works will be exhibited in the streets and alleys. The materials proposed by Keo are the wood of the staves of the barriques (the objects of the LESEDIEDELTORCHIO line) and cardboard. In this case, new creations are added to the more traditional ones: for example, some large size reproductions of open books and music discs.


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Keo at BtoBio
Monday, 09 May 2011 13:04

BtoBio is the international organic trade fair held in Milano (Rho Fair Centre) from 8 to 11 may 2011. Keo is in the Ecoarea space with a selection of its own design products: a Coste armchair and a Scrigno box, some KeoBox boxes and Cartona chairs (the latter used for the conference room), the baskets and trolleys for supermarkets from the eko-logic Shop to Shop® line and, last but not least, the I've Bin chair made from a metal barrel.

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Keo at the Alpes Express programme by France 3
Tuesday, 26 April 2011 15:59

The Alpes Express programme by the France 3 French television channel broadcast a report about Greencommerce.it on saturday 19 april. Together with Andrea Gandiglio from Greencommerce, the journalists visited the Keo offices in Racconigi and met Marco Torchio. The president of Keo presented some of the projects developed, focusing in particular on LESEDIEDELTORCHIO.



The eko-logic Shop to Shop® shopping trolleys appear in two new commercials
Friday, 15 April 2011 15:34

The eko-logic Shop to Shop® shopping trolleys designed by Keo appear in two new commercials.



LESEDIEDELTORCHIO featured in a report by Ilgiornale.it
Friday, 15 April 2011 10:11

Ilgiornale.it (in collaboration with Onfuton) published a report about LESEDIEDELTORCHIO on the occasion of the Salone del mobile 2011.



KeoHabitat® at the Smart Building Camp meeting
Wednesday, 13 April 2011 09:57

Keo will present the KeoHabitat® project at the Smart Building Camp meeting (19 april 2011, Torino, Environment Park) organized by the ICT Innovation Pole. Smart Building Camp is a talk about the technologies linked to the Green Building concept. Qualified key-players will exchange views about ICT, renewable energies and sustainable housing, proposing business cases and exploring new commercial opportunities. The speech by Keo is available here.

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