• lesediedeltorchio
    barrique inutilizzate recuperate le cui doghe diventano la base di una linea di oggetti: sedie, tavoli, sgabelli e poltrone, cofanetti porta-vino...
  • keobox
    KeoBox è una borsa comoda e robusta che può trasportare fino a 12 chili di peso. É prodotta industrialmente a partire da cartone riciclato
  • mrpet
    MrPET è l'innovativo sistema di reverse vending che premia l’impegno dei cittadini nel processo di raccolta differenziata
  • keohabitat
    KeoHabitat® è un innovativo servizio di consulenza e ingegnerizzazione tecnologica per l'edilizia, in grado di coniugare qualità, benessere, risparmio e sicurezza
  • cartona
    Il cartone riciclato è una materia prima di qualità, ideale per produrre, attraverso un processo industriale o artigianale oggetti di design e di comunicazione dalle forme piacevoli e a basso impatto ambientale.
  • ekologic shoptoshop
    eko-logic® Shop to Shop è la linea di cestini, carrelli e trolley realizzata in KEOREX®, materiale ottenuto dal riciclo della plastica PET delle bottiglie
  • Modulo in Swahili
    Modulo in Swahili è una comoda poltrona facilmente trasformabile in chaise-longue (e viceversa), eventualmente rivestibile in tessuto
Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)
The artistic interpretation of Cartona attracts the viewers of Dancing with boars: the chairs auctioned on 10 september
Friday, 19 August 2011 12:37
Keo has participated in the 2011 edition of the Dancing Dancing with boars festival. The two day workshop during which some artists have decorated the Cartona chairs according to their inspiration has produced 16 new fascinating works, very different but all admired by the public (some pictures below; a video is available here). The 16 creations will be auctioned (in aid of charity) on 10 september 2011 in Calice Ligure SV at the Punto Due gallery (here is the press release). In the central pavilion of the festival, moreover, Marco Torchio, president of Keo, led a conference on ecodesign by presenting the concrete case of the projects of the company (on 18 august, together with Silvia Barbero from the Polytechnic of Torino).
Balla_3 Balla_2
Tuesday, 02 August 2011 14:59

In the august 2011 issue of the Gambero Rosso magazine there is an article about LESEDIEDELTORCHIO. The article is entitled "From a tool to make wine to a material for objects of design: the wood (from barrels) is increasingly protagonist".




The new MrPET system on Il Sole 24 Ore
Wednesday, 13 July 2011 11:33

An article by Maria Bianucci published on 11 july 2011 on IlSole24Ore.com reports the birth of MrPET 2.0, the separate collection system that rewards the good behaviour of citizens. MrPET is designed by Keo.




Keo is a partner of the Dancing with boars festival
Monday, 11 July 2011 12:25

Keo is a partner of the Dancing with boars festival (Bardineto SV, 17 to 20 august 2011). Dances with wild boars, now in its tenth edition, is the largest rock festival in Liguria (in 2011 100,000 people are expected). The event features important names in music and offers numerous cultural activities. The search for sustainable solutions for the design of the event is the goal of the collaboration. The intervention of Keo will be developed in three main stages:

  1. a conference on systemic design together with the Polytechnic of Torino (18 august at 17:00);

  2. a workshop for the processing of cardboard packaging in which some artists will decorate the modules that make up the Cartona chair (in collaboration with the Ensemble architecture group coordinated by the architect Alessandra Morra);

  3. an exhibition of the company projects/products.




eko-logic® Shop to Shop in Donna Moderna
Monday, 11 July 2011 11:06

In the 6 july 2011 issue of the Donna Moderna magazine there is an article about the environmental value of the recycling of bottle PET plastic. Among the examples, there are the eko-logic® Shop to Shop shopping baskets made in recycled PET designed by Keo.



Keo for the“Haute couture waste” fashion show
Tuesday, 28 June 2011 12:54

“Haute couture waste” is a fashion show of clothes and accessories made from waste materials. Keo will participate with its cardboard projects, the Arabesque mannequin being the first one. The event will take place in Bresso (Milano) on 10 july 2011.

Bresso_MI_volantino_sfilata1 Rifiuti_alta_moda



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